
On a happier note..

So, on a totally unrelated note -- oh, no no, it's NOT about the Olympics. There's enough people going on about the Olympics already; plus I've been kinda apathetic about sports, mainly due to one of the teachers, Ms Lim, in primary school - she would not let us do any sports because "it's distracting" and we should "focus merely on studies". The point is, I'm not that big on the whole Olympics thingy. Im happy for the country regardless.. somewhat.. deep down i'm sure.. but umm.. today, I just wanted to say, that, on a totally unrelated, yet happier note, I went to Singapore, and fell in love with it.

And damnit the computer turned itself off, and now my inspiration all went away. My sincere aplogies. Now this post is stuck at I went to singapore.


P.S: I swear I'd delete it sometime during the week before I go hit the capital for work. Oh Gwad help me, I really don't want to be runover by the crowd over there. Seriously

4 条评论:

Ozymandias 说...

I like the way you write a post on the Olympics, saying how you're not going to write about the Olympics! Before, forgetting what else you were going to write about! I have written about the Olympics nevertheless. I'm sure you agree with me that they're overrated though! Hope you're good. I'll try to catch you on MSN over the weekend.

~ 说...

Oh welcome to Singapore! Glad you like it!

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